Relation Between Games and Studies...!

Game Period

This infographic explains why the games should be introduced in the educational system, and the most important reason behind this is that children are grown up in an environment where they see the application of technology everywhere, thus when they develop some consciousness there first interaction is with the devices like mobile phones, televisions, and other technological gadgets. Thus, it can be argued that children are more familiar with these things than they are with the traditional and formal educational textbooks. Initially, when they are given the textbooks in the classrooms, they think of these as a novel thing creating a sense of fair in the minds of children. On the other hand, if they are given games with educational content, they will fell more at home.

There are two groups when it comes to the matter of including games in the educational system and both groups have their own opinions. For instance, the first group argues that as games are connected with fun activities, the inclusion of them in education will ruin the future of their children. On the other hand, the second group argues that as children feel more comfortable when they learn in an informal environment, thus games can help a lot in this regard. Both these groups are right from their own perspectives. The interesting this is that the recent research shows that games promote creativity in children, and it is acknowledged by many teachers across the world that when any electronic gadget or multimedia device is used in the classroom, the creativity and attention of children increases by 40%.

The infographic mentions the research conducted by Paul Howard Jones. According to this research, the games increase the level of dopamine in the brains of the children, and this substance dopamine is connected to creativity. How dopamine is connected to creativity is very simple. You might be aware of the fact that our memory works on the basis of association; the more associations we have in our brains, the more we learn. The function of dopamine is to create more and more connections between neurons in our brains thus building strong associations. It then provides us the physical basis for learning. Another function of dopamine is that it boosts creativity.

The motivational level is a very important factor in our learning. As the old saying goes, the more we are motivated to do something, the better chances are there that we will do it perfectly. You might have noticed that children are always motivated to play games. “This motivational level can be used in a more positive manner by the inclusion of educational content,” says Kyle Ward who works at Game Period.

Games also improve different skills in children, for instance, they develop decision-making power, better communication skills, better collaboration capabilities, and better problem-solving ability. There are also many apps that is being introduced and whose sole purpose is to teach. These apps are different from games in a sense that these focus more on the educational content and less on the gameplay.

Relation Between Games and Studies

Co-produced by :Game Period & Learntfromnet

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